August 25, 2023
Reclaim Your Jawline Elegance: Effective Approaches to Combat Jowls As the hands of time progress, the loss of distinctiveness in our jawlines and the emergence of jowls become noticeable companions. Embracing the natural course of ageing entails confronting the decline of crucial elements like collagen and elastin, which contribute to the finely sculpted appearance of our faces. The decrease in fat within areas such as the cheeks and temples also plays a pivotal role, leading to the loss of structure within the chin and neck zones. Furthermore, the diminished resilience of the skin and its heightened susceptibility to the gravitational pull, owing to increased dryness and thinness, also leads to sagging skin around the jawline. This cumulative effect gives rise to what is commonly referred to as jowls, imparting an ageing aspect to our overall facial aesthetic. Fortunately, our doctors at My Cosmetic Doctor clinic, nestled in the heart of Harborne, offers tailored advice to address the specific concern of sagging jowls.