Doctors with expert Harley Street training.
Our Doctors are experienced Doctors with over 10 years experience in medicine. They have undertaken training with the prestigious Avanti Aesthetics Academy on Harley Street.
Doctors with expert Harley Street training.
Our Doctors are experienced Doctors with over 10 years experience in medicine. They have undertaken training with the prestigious Avanti Aesthetics Academy on Harley Street.
Dr Rakhra qualified as a Doctor in 2013 with multiple distinctions at Imperial College London. Since then he completed his foundation training in Birmingham before taking a year out of training to work as a Surgical Clinical Teaching Fellow with a focus on ENT. Whilst completing his training in General Practice he completed the RCGP Minor Surgery course. In his routine practice he carries out joint injections of the shoulder and knee and is looking to make his General Practice career more diverse. Having previously enjoyed working in a variety of fields and with a passion for learning procedural skills he joined the award winning Avanti Aesthetics Academy in order to receive expert training in the field of Aesthetic Medicine.
Dr Kaur has been qualified as a Doctor since 2012. She completed her undergraduate degree at Newcastle University before moving to Birmingham to undertake her foundation training. She is a qualified GP Partner. With a keen interest in dermatology she went on to complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dermatology with distinction at Queen Mary University. Having completed training in Accident & Emergency and ITU amongst several other medical and surgical specialities, she was keen to combine her passion for dermatology with procedural skills and has been practicing minor surgery as a qualified GP since 2017. It is with this focus and passion that she took her career a step further by joining the Avanti Aesthetics Academy where she trained in non-surgical aesthetic procedures. With a vast skillset, she makes an excellent clinician.
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